From time to time a listing is made in these pages of the various organizations and publications throughout the world which are devoted to the interests of homophile men and women. While not pretending to completeness this. Directory may serve as a convenient reference. It should also give indication of the scope and diversity of these world-wide activities.

These organizations fall into four general groupings: (1) the fraternal-social organization, as found principally in Europe; (2) groups aiming at social reform and education; (3) the secretariat, or coordinating-agency type; (4) the commercially-produced publication addressed to homophiles, as found only in Germany.

American readers will note with interest that in general the European publications are not sold publicly from newsstands. Their circulation is private, almost entirely. Inasmuch as all three American publications listed here have been sold freely ever since their founding on newsstands across the country nothing more strikingly illustrates the differences existing in the concept of freedom in Europe and America. Legal attacks, such as necessitated ONE's lawsuit against postal officials, are merely evidences of the attempted imposition of restrictions against a free press, a concept entirely alien to American traditions.

On the other hand, the regular social gatherings of the European organizations with men or women dancing together represent a type of activity possible in United States only in private homes. It is noteworthy, however, that even in the European countries where laws punishing homosexual acts between consenting adults have been removed from the statute books, the general attitude toward homosexuality is not always of the best. Readers will ask themselves which approach promises the better results-that one which says "society is as it is, let us eat drink, and be merry," or that one which says "eat and drink, if you like, but how can you possibly be so naive as to be merry while society yet, by its attitude, holds a sword of Damocles over your heads?"




* Centre de Culture et de Loisiers (C_C_L) Postbox 1, Forest 3, Brussels

Holds meetings; publishes LE LIEN, newsletter in French and Flemish for its members, mimeographed, pages legal-size, fourth year.

*Forbundet av 1948

Postbox 1023, Copenhagen K

Recently announced opening of clubrooms in downtown area. (Ganymedes organization, formerly active in Denmark and publisher of VENNEN was disbanded through action of police. Currently, notice is given of a "Vennen" with an address in Sóborg.)

Publishes PAN, pocket-size monthly, in Danish; articles, poems, news, fifth year.

Club Litteraire et Scientifique des Pays Latins (Club de Paris) 162 rue Jeanne d'Arc, Paris XIII

Holds regular meetings, lectures, hikes and picnics. Publishes ARCADIE, a monthly in French; articles, stories, poetry, book reviews, occasional art work; includes an insert for members (photos, personal ads, news items concerning the Club); fifth year. Editor, André Baudry.
